Talking about Coaching

My client wants validation. What do I do? Episode 57

February 16, 2023 Yannick Jacob, Siawash Zahmat & Nicki Drab Season 1 Episode 57

Some clients just really need to hear that they’re on the right path, or that their idea is a good one, or that they’re worthy as human being. It’s a powerful thing to experience, and a gratifying gift to give. Yet, there’s a dark side to validation that our resident coaches Yannick, Siawash and Nicki point to in today’s episode. We chat about getting sucked into “validation games”, when it is and isn’t helpful for a client to validate them or their behaviour, and we explore the difference between acknowledgement and validation. The conversation takes a turn and we open quite a few doors, so we’re curious where you’ll be taking this conversation. Let us know in the comments! 

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